
Creative Players

We take great pride in our work, and our team of seasoned professionals is here to help you reach your goals.

Kristi Galbraith

Kristi Galbraith

Principal, Art Director, Graphic Designer, Web Designer, Editor

Kristi has 20+ years of graphic design and art direction experience, and enjoys being involved in all aspects of brand design and development. She is a native of Portland, graduated from Lincoln High School, and has a B.S. in Graphic Design from Portland State University, 1990. Her design talent has earned Red Studio industry awards as well as an acclaimed reputation in the area. Kristi has an infectious laugh that can probably be heard throughout the Avenue Lofts.

Gregg Galbraith

Gregg Galbraith

Principal, Photographer, Digital Specialist, Writer

Gregg is a principal owner and has been a professional photographer for more than 30 years. He specializes in location photography for architectural, industrial, landscape, aerial and editoral applications. Gregg also uses his vast marketing background to contribute to our clients brand conception and web management. He has a B.A. in Economics from Central Washington State University, 1973. Anyone who knows Gregg well has at least one memory that involves Jack Daniels.

Kay Anderson

Graphic Designer, Production Specialist

Kay (K2) happily joins Red Studio with 18 years of graphic design experience. Besides secretly wanting to be a florist her whole life, she has always loved the design world and can’t think of anything better to do with her day. Kay finds pure joy in the following: coming up with new color combinations, searching for just the perfect font, and joining Kristi and Gregg for one of Gregg’s infamous happy hours.

Brian Howard

Web Developer

Brian provides front- and back-end web development for the Red Studio team. He’s been crafting websites with HTML, CSS and JavaScript for over 17 years and also has years of experience using open-source tools such as PHP, Ruby on Rails, WordPress, and CakePHP. With a degree in Fine Art from Oregon State, Brian is at home straddling worlds of both art and technology. He enjoys helping make websites that are useful, well-crafted, well-designed and pertinent. When Brian isn’t coding or keeping up with the latest web technologies he spends his time playing middle eastern music, skiing, motor scootering, and traveling. Brian craves good cups of artisan coffee and Gregg’s Mudslides.

Victoria Jones

Graphic Designer, Production Diva, Writer

Victoria has been a production typesetter and graphic designer for years and years – and years. She has been in the printing industry for over 30 years, not counting being editor of the school newspaper as a first-grader. Her interests outside the office include playing with her grandchildren, cooking for guests, reading and watching spectator sports of all kinds. She’s known to throw a pretty good party, too.

Andy Jones

Social Media Specialist, Web Developer

Andy entered the field of printing over 14 years ago, when he purchased a prepress company. His love for computers and technology led him to his current position in web development. A native of Portland, he attended Linfield College in McMinnville. When he isn’t coding websites, he enjoys tasting bourbon, grilling on his big green egg and spending time with his grandsons. Andy is a proud Kiwanis member, and serves on the Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp board of directors. (Gregg also enjoy’s one of Andy’s frequent “Andy pour’s”.)

Jonathan Graham

Web Developer

Jonathan has more than 14 years of experience in front- and back-end web development, and can use a combination of Ruby on Rails, Perl, PHP, MySQL, HTML, and Javascript to enhance the user/web experience. Jonathan’s exceptional communication skills and understanding of emerging technologies has helped our clients stay at the leading edge. Jonathan’s young son now helps keep him on the edge...