
Privacy Policy

Red Studio, Incorporated is committed to protecting your privacy when you visit our website. We do not collect personal information about individuals, such as names and mailing or email addresses, unless the individual visiting the Red Studio, Inc. Website knowingly provides it. By using the Red Studio, Inc. Website you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of Red Studio, Inc. Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. The Red Studio, Inc. Privacy Policy is outlined below.



You may use the Red Studio, Inc. Website without registering or submitting any personally identifiable information. Registration for users who request information enables you to maintain your contact information and preferences, sign up for exclusive online features, purchase products and services more quickly, and receive notifications about photographs that interest you. You will be asked to provide personally identifiable information that may include a user name and password, your name, and an email address. We store this information on a secure server so that you need not re-enter it when you return to the website.


When you order a product from the Red Studio, Inc. Online Store, we need to know your name, billing and shipping addresses, telephone number, and email address to process your order. Your credit card information will be entered through the paypal portal, and used by Paypal only as needed to process your transaction. Red Studio does not store or have access to any credit card information. We will only retain your personally identifiable information for our records, in order to facilitate better customer service, and to inform you of our products and promotional offers.


If you email Red Studio, Inc., your message and email address may be saved and we may send you emails in order to respond to your message. We will only use the information provided in your e-mail, your email address, and IP address to improve the Red Studio, Inc. Website, services and products and to fulfill or respond to your requests for products, services or information. We also use your personal information to communicate with you. We may also send you marketing emails to inform you of new products or services or other information that may be of interest. If you do not wish to receive marketing emails, you may send an email message containing your name and postal address to indicating as such or follow the “unsubscribe” instructions included within each email communication. Red Studio, Inc. does not share your personal information with any outside parties.


Cookies are small files of information that are stored on your computer’s hard drive by your Web browser. The cookies we use do not contain any personal information. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can change the preferences of your browser so that it does not accept them. In order to use all the features of the Red Studio, Inc. Website, we recommend that you accept cookies.


Red Studio, Inc. uses third-party service providers to give you easy ways to share our content with others. The information you provide when using these tools is subject to the third parties’ privacy policies.


Red Studio, Inc. uses the personal information you provide to us for internal purposes, such as completing and tracking your transaction, analyzing trends and collecting statistics. Red Studio, Inc. will NOT compile and provide aggregate statistics about our visitors, customers, sales, traffic patterns and related site information to any third parties.

Red Studio, Inc. may release account information when such release is reasonably necessary to comply with the law; enforce the terms of any of our user agreements; or protect the rights, property, and safety of Red Studio, Inc., the users of its site, or others.

If you have provided us with your email address, we may send you emails in order to alert you to information, events, or activities at or related to Red Studio, Inc. that we believe may be of interest to you, or to alert you about sales or other promotions on the Red Studio, Inc. Online Store. If you do not want us to use your email address to contact you for these purposes, you may send an e-mail message containing your name and email address to


Red Studio, Inc. may from time to time retain qualified third-party vendors in order to help us manage the Red Studio, Inc. Website and allow us to better serve our visitors and customers. Red Studio, Inc. requires its vendors to maintain the security of the information to which they are provided access and restricts the vendors from using the information in any way not expressly authorized by Red Studio, Inc.

We may contract with third parties who use cookies to collect information on our behalf. These parties are required to maintain the confidentiality of this information. If you would like to opt out of this use of your information, you can change the preferences of your browser so that it does not accept cookies. We may contract with companies or others to provide certain services, including credit card processing, data management, promotional services, etc. We provide these service providers with the information they need to perform these services, but we restrict the vendors from using the information in any way not expressly authorized by Red Studio, Inc.


The Red Studio, Inc. Website may include links to websites operated by third parties over which we have no control. Once you leave the Red Studio, Inc. Websites, the Red Studio, Inc. Privacy Policy will not apply, and you access such sites at your own risk.


Red Studio, Inc. secure server software uses industry-standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology. SSL encodes your personal information, including credit card number, name, and address, as it travels over the Internet so that all transactions are secure. If you prefer, you may also place a Red Studio, Inc. Store order by phone at (503) 228-9493.

Please be advised that when placing an online order through the Red Studio, Inc. Online Store, your personal data will be protected in accordance with United States law but may not be at the same level of protection as is legally required in the European Union.


Please note that Red Studio, Inc. may revise its privacy policy at any time, without notice, such changes to be effective immediately upon posting on the Red Studio, Inc. Website. Such revisions may arise in response to changes in the law, policy, or other factors. We encourage you to periodically visit this page to review our most current policy.